Corporate Responsibility
At Nesher, we believe in transparency
That is why we have been publishing corporate responsibility reports for many years
We take all necessary measures to ensure compliance with the requirements of the emission standards and allocate resources to prevent air emissions

Environmental Resilience
Nesher invests considerable resources every year in upgrading and operating emissions abatement systems. In the last decade, and to this day, there has been a significant decrease in the plant's emissions.
Our production facilities at the plant are equipped with systems for filtering and settling particles that may be emitted from the production process. They are also furnished with dedicated systems for reducing emissions of nitrogen oxides. We also invest many resources in preventing dust emissions from non-focal sources, such as the plant's roads, storage areas, etc.
Due to the unique production characteristics of the cement industry and as is customary in the world, the Nesher plant uses alternative fuels - such as RDF (fuel derived from waste), and alternative raw materials from various industries. This means using the waste in Israel and turning it from an environmental nuisance into a resource.
Thus, the plant facilitates a reduction in the amount of waste sent to landfills, a reduction in the use of fossil fuels (petroleum-based) and perishable natural resources, and a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions.
Social Resilience
We take special care to address all social aspects related to our activities, and work to promote relations between management and employees, stakeholders and the general public.
We promote a proactive approach to issues such as workplace safety and sharing with the public, and hand-in-hand with community-educational activities, we strive to maintain a dialogue with our stakeholders.

National & Economic Resilience
The cement industry is of vital strategic importance to Israel's existence as an independent state and to maintaining its ability to build and develop infrastructure.
Local production of cement reduces dependence on foreign countries, and the quality and proximity to the raw materials shorten the production- to-use interval.
At Nesher, we are proud to lead an advanced Israeli industry that constitutes a significant pillar in building the resilience of the State of Israel, both by maintaining independent production and by building the future generation of industrialists in the country.
The plant employs over 400 workers in various positions: engineers, chemists, electricians, facility maintenance teams and more, and supports thousands of Israeli families in the broader industrial circle.