Our Quality Standards

For us it is a privilege - but also a commitment
All of our products are marked with the Israeli Standards Institute mark

Quality you can build on

Cement is a basic component in buildings and infrastructures all over Israel; we are committed to providing uncompromising quality cement and adapting it to our customers' changing demands and needs.

For this purpose, we ensure a close relationship with our customers, including ongoing technical support in all aspects of concrete production, complete transparency in the cement production process, and information transfer.

Our uncompromising quality policy and strict criteria bind all company employees.

Our Quality Control Process

The cement production process and our uncompromising quality control are carried out pursuant to the strictest local and global standards and under the supervision of the Israeli Standards Institute:

The cement is sampled every day in the factory's laboratories to verify its compliance with the Israeli standard (IS-1) and its compliance with the criteria

All production processes are supported by the most advanced technologies in the world.

An advanced control system that enables real-time monitoring of processes during production.

Sending immediate alerts to those in charge and the production managers in case of an anomaly or malfunction.

Our Quality Standards

Nesher is a proud holder of the "Diamond Mark" from the Israeli Standards Institute, and as such is part of an elite group of organizations in Israel which hold this prestigious mark .All of our products are marked with a standard mark. Israeli cement with and Israeli standard mark!
Most of our products (five out of six) also hold a green label from the Israeli Standards Institute. 
The Diamond Mark was given to Nesher for holding eight quality marks:
environmental management system (ISO 14001),
energy management (ISO 50001),
ISMS (ISO 27001),
safety traffic management (ISO 9301),
OHS (ISO 45001),
QMS(ISO 9001),
as well as a standards mark and a green label. 

Standard (EN-197) IS 1 for cement

Nesher is the proud holder of the Standards Institute’s diamond mark
We make sure to test the cement types produced in our plant according to the European classification. The European EN standard for cement characterizes cement types according to their composition and strength levels, and classifies them according to the content of additives and clinker. This standard permits the production of over 27 different types of cement